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Where will I find bed bugs?
Bed bugs infest areas where they have easy access to blood meals. They may be found in the folds of your bed sheets, in couch cushions, or hiding in your blankets. However, when it comes to bed bug infestations of a broader scope, common locations where bed bugs infest include public locations such as hotels, motels, airports, daycares, and schools.
How do I get rid of bed bugs?
Bed bugs are resistant to many common pesticides, making conventional means of pest control quite difficult to accomplish on your own. To effectively ensure that your home is protected from the nuisance and habits bed bugs create for properties, contact a professional pest control provider with your bed bug concerns.
Bug Busterzzz Pest Control is dedicated to providing you with top-of-the-line treatments and services for bed bugs, as well as many other types of common household pests. We won’t let bed bugs disrupt your peace of mind! Our pest technicians are ready to get rid of bed bugs with chemical and heat treatment options. Contact Bug Busterzzz with all your pest control needs, questions, and concerns!
How can I prevent bed bugs in the future?
When it comes to keeping bed bugs from infesting your home, the only thing you can do is try and avoid contact with bed bugs as much as possible.
A few preventative measures to take:
- Change rooms or hotels if you notice signs of bed bugs.
- Inspect your clothing, bags, and personal items for bed bugs, or their tiny white eggs, before entering your home.
- If you find bed bugs on your belongings, put these items in the washer and dryer on the highest heat setting.
- When traveling, seal all of your clothing in plastic bags.
Don’t hesitate to contact the pest experts here at Bug Busterzzz Pest Control if bed bugs are bugging you!

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